
Jun 06, 2018

Dreamcore Goes to Computex 2018 – First Impressions Last Forever

Why is Dreamcore at Computex 2018?

If you were at the PC Show on Sunday, you could see the exhaustion on our faces and hear the pain in our voices. Yet, we rushed back to work on Monday without a day’s rest to handle the post-show chaos.

Typically, it would have been perfectly acceptable to handle this over a few days, but we stayed late on Monday to finish up. Why then?

Well, it’s simple – we were scheduled to fly to Taipei at 7am on Tuesday for Computex 2018.

Attending Computex isn’t something that most people would think a local Singaporean custom PC builder would do, but we think otherwise – we know the importance of remaining innovative, staying true to one’s values and providing real value to the customer.

At Computex, you get to learn from the best – the exhibitors there take tech to a whole new level, and we want to be at the forefront of progress, adopting new technologies whenever they’re released, learning about prototypical ones and securing better deals for you, the end-user.

So, here’s a wrap up of what we’ve seen on the first day. Enjoy!

PS: Read to the end for the real highlight of the day!

Computex 2018 Highlights


No one could miss this big brown silent giant.

 Apart from their regular line-up (with some refreshes included), we saw cool stuff like custom heatsink covers and a new chromax line of CPU coolers.

We made a mental note to visit the ASUS TUF Gaming booth to get a card so we could collect stamps and get a grab bag, but we forgot 🙁


We also saw a kick-ass NVIDIA GeForce-themed desktop at Bitspower’s booth!


ADATA’s booth was simply put – lit.

We’re really loving ADATA’s new Spectrix range of DRAM!

Lian Li

Impressive range of cases as usual, with their spanking new and fascinating RGB power cables.

What else do you see in the picture below?  Maybe he’s a little easier to spot in this one. The DK-05 was on show in person, and it was absolutely stunning with 2 x GTX 1080 Ti Poseidon.


Cryorig is committed to making solid coolers. Despite their slightly higher price point (especially the Taku), they’re steadfast in their values of providing high-quality products and not cheaping out on their customers.

Looks like Cryorig is making advances in the RGB race!

G.Skill’s Overclocking World Record

This was a stressful but high octane stage.

INWIN Case Mods

Case modders have always played a role in pushing the boundaries of what a regular computer chassis can do, here are some kick-ass INWIN case mods.

But the real highlight of the day was meeting this chap:

Linus Sebastian from LinusTechTips

If you haven’t heard of him, you need to check him out now.

Linus was the reason most of us even got into building computers in the first place, and it was truly an emotional moment meeting our hero. Days like these remind us to focus on why we started Dreamcore in the first place – to share what we love with the rest of the world in our own humble little way.

We can’t believe we met Linus, and can’t wait to meet others like BitWit, JayzTwoCents, Paul’s Hardware and Hardwarecanucks. Will update again tomorrow!

– Dream Team